Sunday, September 23, 2018


Long awaited and a labor of soul, it's finally done, DIVINE FIRE

"They resemble The Heroes we’ve always celebrated. Divine Fire is tag team duo in the World Wrestling Zone and the current Tag Team World Champions. Spartan Gutierrez, The Black Destiny, and his partner Alan Gundersshon – they are the Divine Fire. In truth they laughed when their manager named them. It made for a cool entrance every time. Cutting over the screaming crowd voices the announcer continued would thunder, "The next time God shakes the Earth he promised there will be DIVINE FIRE!"

The promise of their fame and success did not last. In a freak accident, the Alabastard is killed, leaving Black Destiny to live on, alone, and grieving the loss of his secret lover. He decides there is no retirement and the Black Destiny presses on to fight solo against the lineup of powerful teams that have waited to get a shot at taking down the pair and wearing their belts.

Spar scores a win and notices that he gets help from his lost partner Alan. The crowd and their love for them call and call and help his spirit live. It’s not just Alan they call, they ask for DIVINE FIRE. And they get it. What was a small game becomes a magical fight for control over the elemental spirit of some god’s rage.

Divine Fire is a story of the gritty underground of professional wrestling and celebrated the blood and sacrifice they do to bring us a show. It's also a story about ghosts and how we know so little about what they truly are. When we see a ghost, is that somehow proof of heaven and hell? Or maybe a ghost is proof that people can summon parts of dead realities when the grief of not having them is too much. Or maybe we're just crazy and its not good to do so many drugs."


Thank you for reading my work. Here's a little giving back to you! The book is now available for pre sale - BONUS if you make a pre sale purchase of DIVINE FIRE I will send you copies of HERO and HEEL. Send me a copy or screencap of your pre sale receipt confirmation to and I'll send you epub versions of BOTH BOOKS as a bonus. Bonus ends OCT 1

If you need help with a screenshot, check this out.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


This is not France
That's not silk
Seeing they got the first two parts wrong, i wonder if it's really pie?

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Achievement Unlocked!! I got  my short story collection ORDEAL loaded onto Amazon. It's available here Click on the book

ORDEAL - A collection of short stories. Featuring two Natinal Leather Aalliance/ John Preston Short Story Award finalists PICTURES AND FRAMES and SATORI. Bearhugs and pro wrestling battles with a good story rooting it- some kink - kinda up your alley. Please leave a review for me on Amazon - that's a huge career builder for your new author friends.

Also the same night I loaded THIS BOOK SMELLS LIKE COFFEE on Audible. They take two weeks to approve the project, but once it is, I'll be posting that link here.

Tonight I am working hard on starting the recording sessions to get Ordeal on Audible. Next comes Hero, and then HEEL.

Daytime is devoted to writing the end to DIVINE FIRE and getting that in the hands of my editor. Then I work on HURT, book III of the ERIK ATLAS ARCHIVES.

Ok, that me, but what about you? What story are you looking for? Let me know. Talk dirty to me - no one's listening. [pours you a glass of wine...] sit down, tell me about it.

click the cup and make me say awwwww...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I watched the springtime winds trying to pull the gate open. The gate seemed to be shaking with the rage of an animal trying to keep it in.
The world wants to change and springtime is the rage of that change.
Be the gate or be the wind.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Live Chat

Our first Live Chat
Apr 6 at 10:32pm
We had a great live chat with a smallish attendance this evening on Discord with my supporters on Patreon. I took the opportunity to ask a few questions about expectations and hope for the chat and ended up discussing up and coming works and showing potential covers for the books I want to write first.
Tomorrow night is the Salon Chat - topic I hope to discuss with our creative crew there is about Facebook. I have plans to use Facebook to promote books and connect with readers. But Facebook has a plan to collect your data and sell it - regardless of how you THINK you're protecting yourself, nothing is stopping them from lying and saying they protect you and just not. They also get hacked and have their own leaking problems regarding data.

Do you want to be part of that system? Do I have promotional alternatives? What are you comfortable with me doing as we move forward. Check out the "Ugly Truth" memo leaked out of Facebook corporate as I plan on discussing how this applies to my decision.

To join in on the chats, please consider being a supporter at - I'd like you as part of my team and able to help you with your stories as well.
Thanks for talking.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Do you feel it? That spinning sensation? It's the director taking us through space and time to the place in this movie called the "Origin Story." Most lives go on just fine never knowing about one or even thinking about their own. But this is a blog and I "blog" so to explain how I rate such hogging of your attention; I must have an origin story. 

As was said in legend, I was born to a woman in Squalid Patch, PA. She was sweet and made the best cabbage rolls. They still looked like human waste, as cabbage rolls do, but they tasted of love and simple living. Her house in the woods wasn't near anything so I was confused when I found myself lost in foliage without end. 

I was adopted by a pack of wolves that quickly abandoned me because I ran too slowly and were clever and sensed an origin story about to progress. Wolves hate origin stories about as much as they hate Sarah Palin hunting from a helicopter. Besides, in all the stories they starred in, they never got paid and never mind residuals. They were outta here.

They left me near a place that was covered in coal dust and steel-town waste and smelled like rotten eggs. That's where the Swedish acrobatic team, the Practical-And-Useful-Petersons taught me the secrets of smelt juggling. (They tried the name, the "Amazing Petersons," but they though the words "Amazing" and "Peter" next to each other was just bragging and probably impolite.)

The Practical-And-Useful-Petersons taught me basics in house building and polite uses of beige. They brought me to Erie, Pennsylvania so I could blend in with humankind, certain I had some useful gift to offer humanity. They had their doubts when they discovered I couldn't stop laughing every time I walked past the "Erie Cemetery." I was certain there was some buried irony involved in that name.

They soon found out I was a "wise guy" and reeled in horror. I was always "smart" and had some kind of "attitude." They knew I was making nothing up and usually repeating back to them exactly what they said to me, but found my way of saying it somehow "forward" and "clipped" and other euphemisms for outright mockery. 

I realized I needed to go to college. When I arrived, I was happy to find that I landed among my kind, the men and women of letters, beer, and 8 ball. I found my way to whisky, kinky sex, and creative blasphemy. I was fun at parties, but terrible at funerals. The Avon ladies had a watch list and I was on it. So did the mailmen.

After time and during spring break, I was overcome by a strange vision and sold all my earthly belongings and moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, a place where no one can hear you scream or at least they pretend convincingly they didn't hear you. My life was nothing but sunshine and Weird Al and Bugs Bunny jokes. 

I found an angel that made corsets and a devil that did massage, and we live in curious union to this very day. I think up stories and tell them in the plainness of day and share them with women and men weary of the normality's of life. I think of Pennsylvania. From time to time I find smelt to avoid.